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National Youth Wind Ensemble

The Global Initiative for Talented Students (G.I.F.T.S.) is excited to announce the National Youth Wind Ensemble of America (NYWE) season in 2025. Following a comprehensive audition process, the NYWE will consist of the nation’s premier young wind, brass, and percussion performers. These incredible musicians will spend a week in the nation’s capital, with daily rehearsals led by the 2025 guest conductors Jerry Junkin Director of Bands at The University of Texas at Austin and Lieutenant Colonel Ryan J. Nowlin,  Director of “The President’s Own” United States Marine Band, receive daily coaching with premier military band musicians from the D.C. area, tour the national monuments, experience a rehearsal with “The President’s Own” United States Marine Band, and attend the Evening Parade – “Oldest Post of the Corps”. The 2025 experience will culminate in a performance in the historic Warner Theater in Washington D.C. on June 7, 2025. (waiting to confirm date)

The National Youth Wind Ensemble of America is made possible by G.I.F.T.S., a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing talented students in academia, the arts, and athletics with opportunities to study or expand an area of interest as well as Perform America – TX, LLC a company that specializes in performance-based tours for groups of all ages ran by former music directors and educators.  All travel arrangements will be organized through Perform America – TX, LLC.

G.I.F.T.S. invites wind, brass, and percussion musicians from across the country, ages 16-19, to participate in its second season in 2025.

To begin the process, you must create an Acceptd account. If you already have an existing account, you can create a new application through this account. Once your account has been created, you can begin the application process and save your progress at any point. We recommend that you allow adequate time to record, upload, and review your materials to be certain that your application is indicative of your musical and personal achievements.

Commonly Asked Questions


February 1, 2024: Application officially opens
January 1, 2025: Application and Recommendation Deadline
February 1, 2025: Applicants notified of status via email
March 1, 2025: Audition excerpts for chair placement posted for 2024 NYWE
June 4, 2025: NYWE Begins with Welcome Ceremony in Washington, D.C.
June 8, 2025: NYWE Concert in The Warner Theater, Washington D.C.


For questions, please email [email protected]



Please include a current resume that lists your personal, academic, and musical achievements, including a list of performed solo repertoire.


Please include a current photo.

Biographical Essay

In 500 words or less, introduce yourself, describe your musical experiences, and detail how participation in the 2022 concert season would impact your life and your community.


Each application requires two required recommendations. Each reference will receive a link to an online recommendation form after you submit your completed application. The confidential form, sent directly from Acceptd, must be filled out by your reference by January 1. Recommended References would include your band directors, music teachers, private lesson instructors, and professionals that can attest to your ability, professionalism, and character.

Audition Videos

All applicants are required to record an audition video that meets the criteria and content requirements below. Each required selection must be recorded in one complete take, with no editing (though you should select the best of several takes), and both requirements should then be combined into a single video. Professional recording equipment is not necessary and audition videos may be recorded using smartphones. Percussion – see video requirements for specifics

Video Requirements


State your name, instrument, hometown, school, and introduce your two recorded segments.

Two Contrasting Solos or Etudes

Each solo or etude must not be longer than 3 minutes. If a selection is longer than three-minutes, you may record an unedited three-minute selection from a longer work. You may also include a recent performance, but your spoken introduction must be recorded separately. A work with accompaniment is strongly preferred.

Percussionists must submit a solo or etude for the following instruments, for a total of 3:

Video Guidelines

Your audition video is one of the most important components of your application. Discuss your audition video with your music teachers, to make sure that you have adequate equipment and space. If you need additional assistance, please contact the National Youth Wind Ensemble concert staff at [email protected]. We want to make sure that you are able to successfully record your audition. For questions about video uploads, please contact Acceptd technical support from within your application.

Video Tips and Suggestions

Watch the Video